

Hello! 你好!Bonjour! こにちわ! I am currently a software development engineer with Amazon. I graduated with a Master of Science degree from Simon Fraser University’s Computer Systems Research Group supervised by the awesome Professor Alaa Alameldeen. My research interest in the field of Computing Science lies upon Computer Systems in general. I am also the Young New Democrat & Person Living with Disabilities Representative of the Burnaby East Electoral District Association of BC NDP and Member-at-Large of the Burnaby South Electoral District Association of Canada’s NDP.


Outside the Academic World

At my leisure time, I collect ancient computer hardwares. Mostly pre-Intel era Apple Machintosh computers and systems. A full list of my collection can be found here. If there is any item you are interested in that list or you have an ancient Macintosh you would like to exchange with me, please feel free to contact me.

I am a holder of Canadian Amateur Radio Operator Certificate. My call sign is VA7PHT.